Donate To Bikur Cholim

The Satmar Bikur Cholim is a volunteer driven, not-for-profit organization whose mission is to help ensure that Bikur Cholim is carried out with grace and compassion. We also strive to address the more far reaching concerns of individuals and families in the community as they relate to health and wellness. Since we are a volunteer driven organization, almost 100% of monies donated go directly to our service recipients.

Some of the areas which we require funding for include:

Donations may be earmarked for any one of these areas and may also be given in honor or in memory of loved ones.

Satmar Bikur Cholim is a 501(c)3 Organization


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(For Confirmation)

Credit Card Number:

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Select a cause:
  • Hospital Meal Sponsorships:
    • One Meal - $18
    • One Meal for Shobbos/Yom Tob - $36
    • Entire Shobbos Sponsorship - $72
    • Week Sponsorship - $108
    • Double Weekly Sponsorship - $180
    • 100 Meals - $1,000
  • Postpartum Care Kimpeturin Heim
    • One Day - $150
    • One Week - $850
  • Bikor Cholim Hospital Room
    • One Day - $180
    • One Week - 500
    • One Shabbos - $360
    • Pasach - $1000
    • One Month - $1,800
    • One Year - $18,000

Selected Cause: Clear Cause

Donation Amount:$

(e.g. In Honor of... Refuah Shelema for... In Memory of...)
